Book Review: The 100 by Kass Morgan


Going into this book after watching four seasons of the TV show, at first, was very difficult. The first couple chapters I just kept comparing the book to the show, but the more I read the more I realized that I had to look at the show and book as completely different things. There are some elements to the show that I like more than the book and vice versa.

[WARNING: spoilers below]

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Book Review: November 9 by Colleen Hoover


Colleen Hoover is an author that I’ve heard a lot about and I’ve never read one of her books before. November 9 was the book I heard the most about and I decided to finally read the Kindle edition that I had. I really enjoyed this book. The story of Fallon and Ben’s love story was so much fun to read.

[Spoilers down below]

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Book Review – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander Freed


I really enjoyed Rogue One and thought Alexander Freed did a good job at fleshing out the story and characters even more in this adaptation of the film. I think one of the reasons it took me so long to read this book was because I’ve seen the movie multiple times and since I already knew what was going to happen in the plot, I just wanted everything to progress faster, but since this was a novel that wasn’t the case.
That in no way means that this book is slow paced, it’s just a personal thing with me as a reader. So, I think that plus the “Supplemental Data” sections were what brought this book down for me. It’s still a well executed book that gives you great insight into the minds of these characters and explores their connections even more than they were in the film.
Overall, I did enjoy Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander Freed and I’d give it 4outof5Stars.
I’d also recommend it to any Star Wars fan or any fan of the Rogue One film.