TV Show Review – Supernatural: 1×01 “Pilot”

Sam and Dean’s reunion

So, I randomly decided to rewatch one of my favorite shows of all time, Supernatural. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep this up, but I’m gonna try and review every episode that I watch.


Thoughts While Watching The Episode

-How does John not immediately look up when the blood drips on his hand?
-Oh Jess, you poor girl.
-Poor Sam. What would his life have been like if he had stayed with Jess and become a lawyer?
Sam: “What would I do without you?”
Jess: “Crash and burn.”
Oh, wow…..poor choice of words, Jess.
-Dean stop checking out your brother’s girlfriend. That’s so creepy!!
-Jensen and Jared are such babies! Also, their voices are so high. xD
Dean: “Dad’s on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days.” AND SO IT BEGINS!!
-Why do they allude to John having a drinking problem? Is it just a cover story that Sam came up with to explain to Jess why he’s not close with his dad or is that something that really happened in the boy’s past? I genuinely don’t remember if they ever bring this up again.
-Why would you get out of the car and head to the creepy abandoned house? You’re just asking for death!
Sam: “You and Dad still running those credit card scams?” I think you need to say that a little louder Sam, not sure if everyone heard you!
Dean: “House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.” ICONIC!!
-How do all these cops throughout the series believe Sam and Dean are any forms of law enforcement when they pull up in Baby [the Impala]?
Dean: “We’re his uncles.” UNCLES?! Why would you say, uncles? Cousins makes more sense than telling them that you’re his uncles!
-Of course, they play up the stereotype that the goth girl would know everything about the local ghost story.
-I always forget how insensitive Dean can be in the early seasons.
Dean: “No chick flick moments.”
Sam: “Alright……Jerk.”
Dean: “Bitch.”
Me screaming at the TV: “ICONIC!!!!!”
-John’s journal!
Sam: “So you had a happy marriage?”
*the woman in white’s husband takes a long pause*
Mr. Welch: “Definitely.”
Really?! If you want to sound believable maybe don’t take a long pause and shake your head “no” when you say “definitely”.
-Seeing Sam drive Baby is just weird. I’m so used to Dean driving Baby, or at least getting mad/threatening whoever is driving Baby.
-The effects of the Woman in White’s death are okay, but not great.
-Yellow Eyes is such a prick for having the shower running so that Sam thinks Jess is in the shower when she’s actually dead above him.
-Wait, do we know if Jess actually left those cookies for Sam, or could Yellow Eyes have done it to be an even bigger prick?
-The end shot at the truck with Sam saying, “We’ve got work to do.” is so freaking ICONIC!!

Final Thoughts

Rewatching this show from the beginning was such a trip and so much fun. This pilot does a great job of setting up so many things for the rest of the series. From this episode, you get a taste of why Sam is strained from his family. You get a pretty good idea of the type of relationship Sam has with Dean and John. With Mary being killed at the beginning of the episode and Jess being killed at the end, you get the mystery of who is killing these women and why? You also have the mystery of where John is and why he disappeared from the Woman in White case?
The actual case that Sam and Dean investigate is a great first hunt for the show. It’s an urban legend that many know and gives you a taste of what type of enemies the brothers will face as the series continues. Some of the effects are good and some aren’t, but that’s to be expected for a show that came out in 2005. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki do a great job of already embodying these brothers and making them interesting to the audience that watches.

Overall, the pilot for Supernatural does its job really well and quickly hooks the audience to the story. I can’t wait to continue my rewatch of this show that I love so much and post my reviews for you all. So, until next time let me know your thoughts.

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